CoinSafe Wallet gives you the freedom to invest, hold, buy and sell crypto with the safety and security of self custody. What is self custody? It’s you in control of your assets. It’s like a bank account in your pocket, but you’re the bank as well as the account holder. Why is that important? Because it’s your money.
Financial Security with CoinSafe Wallet
Financial security is imperative in any situation but with CoinSafe Wallet you’re putting the certainty in your hands. Self custody is a ‘trust less’ environment. What does that mean? It means it takes the requirement for trust out of the equation. You don’t need to trust that the exchange doesn’t go down, or doesn’t use your money. You don’t have to trust that your assets are protected. With CoinSafe Wallet it’s in your hands.
CoinSafe as a company cannot access or see what is in your wallet. We can’t stop a transaction or prevent you from doing anything with your money. It’s all private. It’s all secure.
Everyday Everywhere
With CoinSafe you can set up multiple wallets to ensure you have different wallets of money to use in different ways. Ever been through an airport or border crossing and had the question of how much money you are carrying? With CoinSafe you don’t need to carry your private funds as hard cash or heavy gold cross border, they are always in your pocked as digital code.
Your funds are private. Your funds are safe. Want to carry just a small amount of your crypto on you? You can set up multiple wallets on one device. Want to set up separate wallet accounts? If that makes you feel more comfortable You can set up a Browser Wallet and a Phone based Wallet or if you have more than one phone or a tablet, you can set up wallets across multiple hardware / devices.
Using the CoinSafe Wallet is simple easy and highly intuitive and there’s so much more to CoinSafe
Download the CoinSafe Wallet now.